Fixing Audit Project Problems!

Problems and Challenges

Solving the Problems and Challenges associated with traditional, paper based manual telecon site audits and surveys.

Problems and Challenges exist in most aspect of personal and business activities. The creation of the Telecom Site Survey solution was due to frustrations, problems and challenges in performing traditional manual audits. We documented the issues, defined the solutions and created a feature rich solution. which solved the identified issues.

Problems and Challenges in Site Audit Projects

From the identification of the problems, we worked on what were to be the key benefits of an APP based solution. Further enhanced with an integrated with a comprehensive E2E project management portal.

The issues can be loosely grouped into three major categories:

    • Ensuing the audit is carried out at the correct location and collected data is accurate. Consistent quality and the chance of fraud minimized or eliminated.
    • Removing the logistics nightmare of shipping paper audit packs around the country. Eliminating the massive overhead of manually entering written data into an IT system. Removal of data entry errors
    • Managing the overall audit project and making the collected data available to the surrounding OSS and BSS systems.

The telecom Site Audit solution addresses and removes these issues for the audit project.

In addition to the above primary issues, numerous additional benefits are realized by an APP based audit solution which include - Reduce Audit Project Costs - Reduce Audit Project Duration - Reduce Audit Project Man-Days - Increase Audit Data Quality - Real-Time Project Management - Auto Created Site Audit Reports - Data Integration for OSS / BSS.

The Telecom Site Survey (TSA) solution provides the most cost efficient and beneficial way to perform site audits and survey, no matter what project size.

Problems and Challenges in Site Audit Projects