Typical project ROI!

What ROI (Return on Investment) can be achieved?

When comparing the use of the TSA (Telecom Site Survey) solution versus a traditional paper based, manual audit, a number of key Return on Investment (ROI) benefits are instantly achievable.

Return on Investment

The bullet points below show a summary of the major return on investment benefits provided by the implementation of an Automated Audit Project:

    • Reduced time to complete each audit
    • Reduced time to complete the audit project
    • No need for manual data entry following paper audit / no data entry mistakes
    • Cost reduction for the entire audit project
    • Data in unified DB for export / integration with existing OSS/BSS services
    • Data available immediately following the site audit completion
    • Data exportable as integrated PDF site reports
    • Data consistency improvement from selecting options and not typing data
    • Audit trail for each engineer / supplier / site / location / data / images
    • Engineer cannot manuallyā€¯ alter or manipulate collected data
    • Integrated Portal based Project Management / Scheduling / Progress / Quality
Typical project ROI!

Sample 1,000 Site Project

  • 480 LESS Man-Days
Return on Investment
Typical project ROI!

Sample 5,000 Site Project

  • 2,400 LESS Man-Days
Return on Investment
Typical project ROI!

Sample 10,000 Site Project

  • 4,800 LESS Man-Days
Return on Investment