Solving Telecom Site Survey Project Problems!

Telecom Site Survey Features Summary

Telecom Site Survey Features: The implemented telecom site audit features provide a complete, end-2-end Telecom Site Survey solution including mobile APP based data collection, secure data transmission to backend servers with a complete, WEB portal-based Project Management console to define / manage / track / report on status which provides consistent quality, at the right time, each time, every time.

Telecom site audit features
The need for data NOW!

Real-Time Data Availability

The Telecom Site Survey mobile app-based audits provide data entered by field personnel to be directly available in the solution database at the end of each audit.

Following the Audit close and the transmission of the data to the backend server, the data is available, in near real-time, in the solution management portal.

The collected data is then available to be reviewed and, based on the individual project governance, ready to be accepted or rejected by the project team.

Telecom site audit features
Audit with NO data coverage!

Off-Line Data Collection

The Telecom Site Survey solution is designed to work offline, allowing engineers to collect data even in remote or offline locations without any form of connectivity.

This is a critical feature as many sites, in remote locations, have no overlapping data coverage and, due to the site antenna alignment, there is usually very limited coverage at the base of the tower as the radio signals are radiated horizontally to cover a greater geographical area.

At the end of the audit, the collected Audit data is stored locally on the engineer’s device (encrypted and compressed) be transmitted when the engineer has good data connectivity (WiFi).

Collect the data you need!

Customizable Input Forms

The Telecom Site Survey solution offers customizable audit checklists that can be tailored to different types of equipment, sites and projects.

Each project is both similar and unique in its scope and purpose. To provide the maximum flexibility and benefit to the client and project success, every input form *Technology / Sub-Technology) is customizable to ensure the engineer collects the data that is needed to fulfil the project scope.

A project related to implementing a 4G RAN overlay network is looking for different data than a project to ensure DC power is reliably implemented.

Ensure the data WAS collected on the correct site!

GPS based location verification

The Telecom Site Survey solution uses GPS and location services to verify the precise location of equipment, reducing the risk of errors in location data.

One of the issues relating to traditional paper based manual audits is: How do you know the engineer was in the correct site? and collected the data at that site?

Now you do, the APP used GPS location to tag the collected data and as each photograph taken by the APP, the date, time and Lon/Lat is embedded as META data and optically on the image. This tagging occurs at the point the image is taken.


Auto Data validation reduces human error and reduces costs!

Data Validation / Error Checks

The Telecom Site Survey solution backend servers include built-in data validation and error checks, flagging project managers to potentially erroneous collected data.

The in-built checks can be defined on a project-by-project basis dependent on specific needs.

The requested checks usually relate too two main areas:

  • Comparison of utilized AC input power from the grid (KW) against both equipment DC / AC usage to validate the collected input data and identify power theft.
  • Validation of supplied input values against pre-defined Min / Max values.
Telecom site audit features
Dynamic and Real-Time project reporting to technical and management teams!

Reporting and Analytics

The Telecom Site Survey solution automatically generates reports and dashboards with real-time data enabling informed decisions.

Compliance and Regulatory conformance, built in!

Audit History / Version Control

The Telecom Site Survey solution maintains a complete audit history and version control, ensuring that past audits are securely archived and easily accessible.

Telecom site audit features
Control and Management for Success!

E2E Project Management

The Telecom Site Survey solution provides a comprehensive management portal where the project is defined and managed which includes scheduling and validating the collected data.

Eliminate paper and help save the planet!

Environmental Impact

The Telecom Site Survey based audits significantly reduce the need for paper, thus helping environmental sustainability and reducing administrative overhead associated with paper-based processes.

Telecom site audit features
Collected data available to all OSS / BSS systems!

OSS / BSS System Integration

The Telecom Site Survey solution provides integration with the surrounding external systems by making the collected and approved audit data available via DB Table views, CSV export files, XML and JSON formatted data.